Saturday 21 May 2011

about me!

I love fashion and I love journalism! I'm passionate and sometimes I get gullable and trust everybodies judgements. I enjoy soapies, lifestyle shows, food , clothes and well life itself fascinates me, I mean its so amazing, never really thought that karma exsisted. What happened today and what has been happening lately just goes to show that life really is like a wheel. Oh well, I've grown and learnt from my experiences. I woudnt be where I am today if it were not for experiences. I'm glad I went through all that. I want to be independant at some stage,live my life like its golden. Dress myself up in the hottest outfits. Drive an expensive car and live in porsh apartment, in a porsh house. I have dreams of writing for a magazine, maybe owning my own. I would love to be in the fashion industry and do marketing as a course and see where that leads me. I know my text is all over the place but I just thought that I should share this before I begin blogging about the things I love, fashion, food, travel, clothes and all things classic!